
Monday, February 15, 2010

Not Waiting

I found this blog site after getting the new promo clip up on you tube.
Let's back up a bit.
My name is Monique Antoinette, I am a survivor of grief.
And only after losing my only son to suicide my entire life changed.
Only after surrendering to grief, did I find the answers to why this suicide happened.

After 9 months of journal entries I realized I had the makings of a book. I was sure that I was not the first person having a unique and unusual experience with grief. After this discovery, I was compelled to get this book to others who might come after me with variations of the same experience.

Relentless visits from my son induced a mental breakdown, my own suicide attempt and a time out within a mental institution. I only began to get the message my son was trying to leave me after I abandoned my lifetime religious recordings. What I was experiencing and what I had been taught as a child did not match. "People who kill themselves go to hell", wasn't true and I was now on a rampage to dispel this myth for myself. If this myth was true then how was it that the morning after my son took his last breath, he appeared in the bathroom, wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear that he, "was cool", "with god" and asking me to, " let him go"! My new mission was to understand this new contrast.

Within this acceptance I found the courage to honor the experience I was having, my writers voice and the truth. In the Fall of 2009, I completed my memoir entitled Grateful for Grief: Season's of Transformation. I began querying literary agents and decided while waiting, " I will not wait".

So here I am, at the beginning of a blogging journey. I am thrilled about sharing my thoughts and words about my wonderful experience with grief. For those of you out there experiencing grief right now trying to figure out how to keep breathing in order to stay alive, I woul d love to hear from you..........

Grateful for Grief,
Monique Antoinette

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